Today was just one of those days that didn’t quite start the way I wanted it to. I woke up tired and already felt like I could crawl right back into bed. It just started out as one of those days where you question your own abilities to handle everything God has given you.
Can I really be the kind of wife he’s enabled me to be?
Can I truly mother my children the way he equipped me to?
How about that career that my heart constantly longs after? Am I able? Can I still pull off those dreams and at the same time handle everything else including being a wife, mother, daughter, friend?
Can I just crawl back into bed and pretend that it’s not quite morning yet?
I wish I could just say that I snapped out of it before my feet hit the floor. But no!
A few hours had gone by until I finally let that inner voice remind me of his promises that are always Yes in Jesus.
Matthew 11:28-30 (MSG)
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Let’s meditate on this verse this week.
Just the first part today – He’s talking to me and probably you. Those who are tired, worn out, tired of a set of rules that leave you almost lifeless!
I can sure testify of being tired of the have-tos, need-tos, must-tos. I just want to live a life full of power.
Are you with me?
Thanks Dee. I’m glad that God loves us no matter what and he’s not shocked at our failures!
I’m with you; Thanks so much for sharing. I definitely have mornings EXACTLY like this. Where you wake up at 6:00am and find yourself reflecting on life, in that same spot until 7:00am. Some days I wake and wonder if I am doing things right and living healthy, if I am serving God as well as I should, if I am capable of living up to the expectations and hopes of my friends and family for me…
I’m grateful for the passage you posted because it helps me remember that everything will be alright, with God! That it’s natural to feel burnt out or tired but everything will be alright, with God.